

Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 6 years, 10 months ago

Judi Moreillon's Position Statement for AASL President 2019-2020


Passion, Purpose, Practice, and Partnerships


Literacy not only saves lives—it enriches lives and supports people in reaching their potential. Like you, I believe that school librarians and library programs have a unique role in creating empowered literacy opportunities for children, teens, and families. This moral purpose and call to serve guides our work.


School librarians at the building, district, and state levels benefit from the leadership of a proactive national association that deeply understands and expands their potential to transform teaching and learning.

As your President-Elect, I will lead AASL in:

  • harnessing your passion to serve others through school librarianship and through our professional association;

  • fulfilling our purpose and honing our practice to elevate literacy teaching and learning to meet the needs of our stakeholders; and

  • strengthening partnerships within ALA and AASL and with other educators, organizations, and literacy initiatives.

Passion, purpose, practice, and partnerships align with AASL’s Strategic Plan. These four Ps frame our on-going leadership development and can help AASL reach its capacity to build a cohesive collaborative association.


Working with the AASL membership, Affiliate Assembly, Executive Board, and staff, I believe we can raise an ever-stronger voice to ensure school librarians have an essential and enduring place at the education table.


Published in the March issue of Knowledge Quest


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