Selected Publications 2014 - 2018
"Reach Across the Aisle for Partnerships that Transform Youth Services," January
“Closing the Literacy Gap.” School Library Connection. ABC-CLIO Web, November-December: 5-8.
Literacy Leadership and the School Librarian: Reading and Writing—Foundational Skills for Multiple Literacies. In Sharon Coatney and Violet H. Harada (Eds.), The Many Faces of School Library Leadership (pp. 87-108). 2nd ed. Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited, 2017.
“The Learning Commons: A Strategic Opportunity for Teacher Librarianship Leadership.” Teacher Librarian 44 (3): 21-25.
"Building Your Personal Learning Network (PLN): 21st-century School Librarians Seek Self-regulated Professional Development Online." Knowledge Quest 44 (3), 64-69.
"Making the Classroom-Library Connection." Teacher Librarian 43 (3): 8-18.
"Making a Space for Curiosity and Creativity: Classroom-library Collaboration for Inquiry Learning." School Library Connection 1 (8): 28-30.
"The Future of Learning/the Future of Teaching: What Does the School Library Research Say? School Library Connection 1 (2): 6-9.
#schoollibrarians Tweet for Professional Development: A Netnographic Case Study of #txlchat. School Libraries Worldwide 21 (2): 127-137.
"Digital Storytelling Based on the Association for Library Service to Children Competencies: A Learning Activity to Promote Values Associated with Social Justice." Public Library Quarterly 34 (3): 212-229.
"Inquiry Learning and Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction: Processes that Go Hand in Hand. Knowledge Quest 43 (2), E1-4.
Moreillon, J., Kimmel, S., & Gavigan, K. Educating Preservice School Librarians for the Instructional Partner Role: An Exploration into University Curricula. School Library Research 17.
Moreillon, J. & Ballard, S. Eds. Best of KQ: Instructional Partnerships: A Pathway to Leadership. Chicago: American Association of School Librarians.
Educating for School Library Leadership: Developing the Instructional Partnership Role. Journal of Education in Library and Information Science 54 (1): 55-66.
Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Elementary School Libraries: Maximizing Your Impact. Chicago: ALA.
Moreillon, J., Cahill, M., & McKee, R. "State Library Conferences as Professional Development Venues: Unbalanced Support for the AASL-defined Roles of the School Librarian. School Library Research 15.
"Reading Comprehension Instruction at the Core of the Library Program." School Library Monthly 29 (2): 5-8.
Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Secondary School Libraries: Maximizing Your Impact. Chicago: ALA.
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